"My name is Jamie; I'm a firm believer
in Jesus Christ, and I struggle with being a control freak, OCD tendencies, and
major trust issues."
The first time I stood up front and said
that, I admit, I felt like an idiot.
When I thought about all of the people who had decided to come that
night, and when I thought about the real problems they were dealing with, I
felt almost silly for saying that I was at Celebrate Recovery because I don't
know how to delegate, because I straighten up every throw rug I walk across,
and because I basically refuse to let people get too close.
When I started thinking about what to reflect
on in this article, five words kept coming to mind. Maybe God was speaking, and this time I
listened, but over and over again I heard, "hurts…habits…and hang
ups." So, this month, I would like
to take a few minutes and talk about one arm of Grace's ministry and mission:
Celebrate Recovery.
When people hear those two words, Celebrate
Recovery, most folks think only of alcohol or drug addiction. While it's true that Celebrate Recovery helps
those who struggle with addictions, it's not only for those with
Each week Celebrate Recovery helps folks all
across the nation who are dealing with addictions; divorce; job loss; eating
disorders; co-dependency; neglect; abandonment; anger issues; loss of a parent,
spouse, or child; terminal illnesses; feelings of being a victim; guilt;
unforgiveness; depression, hopelessness; low self-esteem; suicidal thoughts;
and the list goes on and on.
The program itself is based on several
things, one being the Alcoholics Anonymous format, which is a basic twelve step
recovery program, but also on the Sermon on the Mount. The 8 principals are taken from the
beatitudes. For the founders of
Celebrate Recovery, claiming a higher power wasn’t enough, and as a result we
don't hide the fact that our higher power is Christ.
Celebrate Recovery was born at Saddleback
Church in Orange County, California. It
started with just 43 people nearly 20 years ago, and since then, 8500 people
have found healing from their hurts, habits, and hang ups through the ministry
of Celebrate Recovery. It is now
Saddleback Church's largest outreach ministry.
I say that to say this: times are changing and
in many places the church isn't. It's
time that churches all across our connection remember who we have been sent to
serve. What I love about Celebrate
Recovery is that the folks we minister with on Thursday night are not polished
and perfect. They are literally diamonds
in the rough, just waiting for someone to give them the chance to shine as the
gems God intended them to be.
You may be thinking, "Jamie, that sounds
nice, but that kind of stuff is for someone else. Not for me." To which I'd reply, "We're all a little
messed up. It's just a matter of
realizing how messed up we are, and are we willing to admit it yet."
So, if you'd like to see God at work,
changing lives, slip out here Thursday nights at 7:00 and hear Christ say to
you, "My grace is enough."
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